Monday, October 13, 2008

Short Just Like Your Temper

The weather has changed for the better in the past couple of days. No surprise the cold front is coming, however, which sucks major donkey. With nice weather means time spent not cooped up in front of this God forsaken magnet of a computer. The very computer my hands are gracing at this moment. So the past few days have been full of smoke inhalation, walks around my block, and a trip to Cory's apartment.

Ahh Cory's apartment.

Have you ever given an inebriated kid a computer, directed him to, and told him to play us a bunch of one hit wonders in chronological order starting from the 80's?

Yeah. Don't. Though it was fun, I must admit, to hear "Fly" by Sugar Ray, "Hotdog Flavored Water" by Limp Bizkit, and "All Star" by Smash Mouth in the same sitting.

I've been pretty homesick lately. I had to work two 14 hour shifts with 8 hours between them this weekend. It made me long for the days I could just chill with Nick and Texas outside in the Jewel parking lot or shoot the shit with Joe in Wal-Mart while strategically trying to murder Gilberto with my mind.

But I digress.

I won't be able to make it home this weekend because I'm shooting a documentary with some classmates, but next weekend seems to be taking shape for a trip to the homeland- so tie down your mothers, get the kids away from the television, and cook up some Easy Mac in your nearest brass instrument, because Harvard ain't ready for this shit.

If you plan on being in town, let me know. "But I am Le' tired," you're probably thinking. Well then have a nap- Then fire ze missiles.

Thats all for now.
Tune in soon for more of my psychobabble.

Love, peace, and unprotected sex,


(PS. F.C.P.S.I.T.S.G.E.P.G.E.P.G.E.P.)

Monday, June 23, 2008

The First Update


I'm Rob, I'll be your captain. I'm not going to tell you who I am, who I'm dating, or my favorite kind of cheese. If you found your way here, you probably know all that... well besides the cheese anyway.

First allow me to update you on my usual media outlets, and their current states:


I recently saw He Was A Quiet Man, The Truman Show as well as (Part of) Vantage Point. I was extremely impressed with the Truman Show's attempts at making one think about the world around them. If you're not familiar with the concept, WIKIPEDIA it. Without boring you with my philosophical drivel, I was literally lying in my bed and thinking hard to myself how possible the entire situation was. This was then smashed when I saw how stupid and cut off one would have to be to fall for that. Also, why would someone make a movie about what is happening to us? Wouldn't that just give it away? Oh Jim Carrey. You slay me. No really, you do.. remember The Number 23?

He Was A Quiet Man
was literally the darkest comedy I've ever seen. It was well done, however, and if you like those kinds of movies I'd recommend it. It was just a little dry to leave an impression for me.

Vantage Point
, why are you wandering my external hard drive masquerading as a real movie? Leave room for the instant classics- like Sex and the City. Yes. That was a joke.


Alkaline Trio's album Irony & Agony randomly found it's way into my iTunes the other day. The band's umpteenth full length drops on July 1st, 2008 officially, but you definitely should NOT under any circumstances look for a leaked version by typing any string with the words alkaline trio, leaked, irony and agony, or leakage channel into google. By the way- it is opposite day.

At first listen, it was extremely catchy and I liked it. Unfortunately, continued ear-lending led to my realization that their lyrics are seemingly dumbed down. That's not to say, however, that its not still an amazing album, because if it wasn't I wouldn't still be listening to it. The album has a few stand-out hits. Personally I was hoping they'd stray further from Crimson on this strike.

Jenny Owen Youngs is coming to Schuba's Tavern, Chicago, Illinois on July 12th. Go buy your tickets now.


No, seriously. Go.

All right, so that's really all I have to add at this point.

Hope you enjoyed.